I am power made flesh

Hey everyone I'm happy to present my Spyrer who's ready to drop into Hive Secundus to hunt some zenos and humans. Cause we know this guy is just in it for the kill count and the XP, literally! As this suit gives the meaning of unlocking abilities in the 41st millennium lol.

I'm really happy with the overall results of this new miniature as the project was much more of a reactionary evolution rather than a singular vision from the start. I think that's part of the fun with a painting, with it sometimes acting as a voice in itself; tuning in to listen to what we think it's saying for us to paint. A call and response with each passing element being painted, and adding or even changing things to reply better.

I'll be happy to bring the second part of the tutorial up in a couple of weeks to round out the other nmm steel and copper bits and a full tutorial on the base itself. The Necromunda zone mortalis bases are cool with nice touches of detail

Also coming in next week is a different robot suit of sorts, much more machine than man, and that's the Mechanicum Castellax for the Horus Heresy! That tutorial will take you through the rounds of airbrushing, chipping, weathering, oil paints, and some freehand as well. A great tutorial to bring these mechanicum robots fully painted and ready for your tabletop gaming.




Mechanicum 殭屍!!!