Cursed City Insider track!
Cursed City & MORE!
This week I have a surprise change-up in the tutorial order with a Cursed City Hero being painted up as the prize miniature of the Pro Palette Contest I held at the end of 2022. With this miniature going to my student and member Kasera, you also get a treat with a 2 Part video tutorial coming with in completion! This tutorial will fit in nicely as an extension to the NMM Feathering blending tutorial that was created earlier with the 50mm Knight Miniature used in the NMM day workshop I held in early Feb. Working on a much smaller surface of the GW 32mm scale, I'll be going over principles of painting the armour and where those skills transfer onto these smaller segments. Even the same paints are being used with 1 little addition at the very last specular highlight stage.
Horus is fast approaching and I've delayed his start by a few days to find the right colour palette I want to use. I'll be sharing all that information with you, not only the paints but also the creative process that goes into such a large showcase model. A Pro Palette first for painting a Primarch, so I want to make it a banger! Hoping this will guide you into painting your own version, or taking these techniques and colour combinations and encorporating them into your own works.
A wonderful bit of news as I have been invited into the Games Workshop Insider Program! It's been almost a year in the making, the process starting in May last year at GW headquarters in Nottingham for the release of the Horus Heresy. In the coming months you will get to see more newer GW releases painted by me, along with tutorials and features on Cross my fingers that I may see something published in White Dwarf! Yes, its been a little childhood dream to see your stuff published. But what this really means is that I'll be able to have access to more and newer miniatures, as well as play with more variations of finish levels. Great techniques for the tabletop, heros, and display level painting.
Thats the wrap for this week and we shall see you back here on the Start of Horus and the first Cursed City Tutorial! Happy Painting