Radio Free isstvan
Hey everyone I’m back and almost at 100% to health and my good self. I’ve been quite as of late simply because I caught a really ugly bug that struck me down hard. Reducing me to laying in bed with my eyes closed, wrapped up and trying to sweat this thing out. But I’m happy to be out of that state and getting back on the brush (with some rusty patches I still need to warm back up before getting on the real delicate work).
Speaking of, Mike from Radio Free Isstvan Podcast was really kind to reach out and asked me to come on the Podcast to talk all things paint and hobby wise. Sharing thoughts about the Pro Palette, the pursuit of better painting, teaching and all things connected. Besides my voice sounding a bit horse and battling a lingering cough which is clinging to my throat like a bad gremlin, I had a great time and have some awesome planned content coming in the works alongside RFI. Some paint tutorials and give-aways for all the loyal listeners! So if you wana get in on that action coming up, better subscribe to Radio Free Isstvan on your favourite Podcast App as well jump on their Discord to keep in the know ;)
Painting wise on the desk I nothing much has been since I’ve been sick except a new Freehand Tutorial which I’ve started to cut and edit coming next week. If your familiar with my past freehand illustrations of skulls primarly on my Titanicus Reaver and Warmonger titans; this tutorial will show the essential workings of how I bring those illustrations to life.
Thanks again for being patient while I’ve been battling Nurgle’s Plague, I really did miss painting and seeing all the works my Pro Palette members have been up to on the Discord. Things should be leveling back to normal and we can continue that road to perfection (which is endless!).