Dragon VAult & Yesugei progression

As I wrap up the final miniature from my friends Kickstarter Board game called An Age Contrived. I take what spare time I have and further progressed into Yesugei. No new techniques introduced or colours just yet as that is coming in the next few days. Rather I thought you would like to see how a vertical cylindrical plain is painted (His left leg standing straight) is painted.

In the front facing, we can see even with the the daemon face sculpted into the miniature that the width of the highlight is more narrow in relationship to the right bent leg. Since a vertical plain along with the leg positioned parallel to his standing offers a more shallow and less overall volume of light exposure. We will slightly narrow the highlight to reflect this, as well it gives more emphasis that the bent right leg is more open and exposed to larger plains of light (It being outwards always from the body).

Turning the model to the side and to the rear, we get some peeks at the leg in shadow that is being partly obscured by the 2 tails of long cloth. Here i’ve toned down the max highlights to reflect that this part of the scene is not nearly as open as his right side, as well as the light in the back has a casted shadow painted in a rough curved shape as the cloth in the wind. I did this feature as a last min addition after doing a simple vertical highlight felt boring.

With the techniques of painting this highlight no different than the tutorials present. There is a detail you should note and that is the length of the gradient transitioning from the green into the highlight. At the top the transition is at its shortest, and as the highlight flows downward to the base of the leg, the transition opens up and becomes wider. This is due to the distance the cloth is to the object. See with casted shadows coming from another object (the cloth) the closer that object is to our subject of the shadow, the edge of the shadow gets sharper. And as the casting object is further away from the subject, the edge of the shadow gets softer and more diffused. So with there it starts to open up and the gradient gets longer as it moves down.

Sorry I did not film this as I thought this was going to be a filler session to get further along this miniature before doing a completely new segment for a tutorial.

The Dragon Keeper from An Age Contrived! A fun moody piece for my friends board game. A little airbrush action and highlight some real nice warm yellows on a dark blue/orange backdrop! The blue little gems are an extra piece that derives from the game artwork and does a nice job of breaking up the large plains of yellow scales and visual interest.


Neon Squig Rave!


Yesugei References