from the ashes

The Avatar of Khaine is a steady process this week under my brush. I am working my way through each flaming hot leg that has fire spitting out and also painting the cooler contrasting parts of the leg armour he wears. I hope that with my tutorials and my emphasis on colour temperature, this miniature will surely bring those points in even stronger!

Starting next week, the Avatar will be coming under the camera lens and there will be 2 parts to this tutorial series. Part one will be about painting his chest with a focus on painting the heat. Part two focuses on painting the cool, along with both parts looking at how we merge them. All of course brought together with the use of brush strokes to give the molten lava body its movement, texture, and stylized drips of fire. Which honestly is one of my favourite elements in this painting.

That's all for this week From the Desk! Hope you all have a great weekend and Happy Painting!



The Avatar of Khaine


My Appologies