The Avatar of Khaine

Hey everyone, happy Friday and to cap the end of the week, my Avatar of Khaine is finally complete! What a trip this model was both in the feelings of nostalgia, encompassing the remanence of my early days as a graffiti artist, and battling pace with repetition. Overall I'm quite happy with how this piece has turned out. The mix of looser painting, stylized brushstrokes, and going hard with the contrast between both value and temperature made me feel like I was in comfortable territory. But I would say one of the hardest battles was the painting's repetitive nature and the effect that's being painted throughout. To simplify the painting, it's a warm section that is either illustrated directly on a burning flame or on an apex of a curve where the light would normally catch. Then separated by areas of coolness of the blue/purple which is taken up by the armour pieces he wears. It's these hot/cool transitions that give the heat its power and have your eyes jump from one transition to the next.

In Part 1 of his tutorial, you will learn how the heat is created through a transitioning series of building the reds to yellow, with preparations of going into the cool. And coming next week in Part 2, we cover the cool side of things as well with a more in-depth analysis of placements and a couple of variations of temperature used in a few areas to help with interest and the illustration of his shape.

Well, that's me for this week. I have another Stormcast Challenge video in the works right now to explore some weapons and new steel recipes to explore! Hope you have a great weekend on the brush!



Palette cleaner


from the ashes