Golden Daemon Update - Ivory refined

Im back with a little update following the last session and anaylsis of the Off-White armour of the White Scars Dreadnought. Adjusting the values to more mimic the sample of the pottery and photoshop mock-up I made. Having that open while figuring out the values on the carapace was essential to avoid running into the problem of creating too much bright value. Starting off with 4-5 very thin glazes of the brighter #5 value which is the off step from Ivory, just to tone things down. Then its back to stippling with the no.1 size and getting those boundaries filled. Continuing with a brush switch to a #00 and going even finer. These stipples are done with a thicker glaze consistency with around 3:1 with the focus of loading the right amount of charge to not flood each stipple, but at the same time not creating a stiff mark. It needs that perfect amount of softness and size to work in this manner. Then it's going in with pure Ivory for the final highlights and seeing how the edge highlight feels right against the shadow downwards facing looks like. I still have the cracks I need to paint which again will reference the pottery, but I think the heavy lifting part is figured out.

I can say that my confidence has risen in painting the white armour, and I can move forward to repeating it on the left side to really seal the deal on the method. As well as to start adding in the red to finally see the primary colour palette all together. I think with those finished I'll have a complete understanding of the tools and methods needed to film and share the first tutorial detailing the armour. It's really exciting to being able to share this process with you all, and more importantly to have some tutorials sharing the experience and giving a real close look at what it's taking me to deliver a miniature that is going to be refined in this manner.


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