Hibu Khan!!!
I'm super stoked to finally get to share with you all a work-in-progress of Hibu Khan of the White Scars. Thanks to Warhammer Official for sending me a preview copy of this amazing miniature of the Vth legion character from the Black Library novels of this disgraced Khan who is now seeking atonement as a Saygar Mazan.
With my fuel for Heresy at an all-time high with several units of White Scars being done for my own army, it's nice to get to do a character when the desk is currently filled with a rhino and 6 jetbikes with only their riders left to do. His armour really has a lot of wonderful chorgoran elements throughout which both make it a challenge and a delight to paint. As you can imagine with all White Scars models, this scheme can be very unforgiving by showing you every single small paint mistake, and rewards a patient painter with clean hands! What I really enjoy so far is fitting a lot more colour into the model itself with the additions to the green trim and tabards running down the front on either side of his chest. I will also be doing something fun with his cape, as if you may know already I love painting capes! I'm still playing with the colour ideas, but I think I have something that will work which I will share once that's done.
And to close things with his face. Where in the novel artworks he wore a skull painted on his face, I've decided to try something totally different and dress him in reference to the Kabuki Warriors in Japanese theatre. I just thought the face paint they wore with the real bold patterns and movement would give a unique spin to the character and just felt right for the model. It is by no means a cakewalk, as I've made one previous attempt and had to strip it and start again. But it was necessary to learn what approaches worked, and what didn't.
I could go on about the process but instead, I'll be saving that for next week’s video tutorial where I will share more creative thoughts, recipes of various elements, tweaks to the primary White Scars scheme, and of course painting his face. It's also my birthday today, so a wonderful gift of Hibu Khan to mark myself shy of 40, I'll be eating well, love from my friends and family, and will be back after the weekend.
Till then.Happy Painting,