First Lights
With the new version of AOS Skaventide coming around the corner, I've been conceptualizing with possibly my favourite rat miniature from the new set, the Greyseer. Taking suggestions from my dedicated Patreons, I wanted this concept to play with a new lighting scenario. "God Light" proved to be a popular scheme from the Jump Captain, but well rats I don't see them getting all that holy treatment lol. Also, with questions and approaching more detail regarding our subjects' bases, backgrounds and positioning, I think the concept will make for an interesting and challenging piece that crosses off a few marks on the list.
Above is the progress after 2 sessions of painting in this summer's hot heat! The battle of keeping the wet palette moist and avoiding the dry tip as much as possible. I hope you can see the columns of light with these images side by side. With the upcoming video, there will be more explanation about generating this preview, ideas about the light placement themselves, and of course plenty of action of the brush on the model.