LEgions Imperialis Update

For miniatures that are so small, they sure do take a lot of extra fine cuts of editing to get it right. What I'll have coming in next week's video is about getting my Vth legion White Scars down to 8mm. I share the recipe for getting these little sons of the great Khan looking their best, but also my notes on tackling an army project like this. From the working process, details to include and exclude when painting for the tabletop, making basing material that fits best to this scale and more. Sorry, I wasn't able to finish the video for this week as this one is a lot more editing-heavy, and filming these tiny little dudes was definitely a challenge to keep in focus on the camera.
Also coming next is going to be the first part of the Troggoth King tutorial focusing on his skin. I'm excited to share this one and bring a new large monster kit to Patreon. I've done a lot of armoured figure tutorials, so it's great to bring out something completely organic and to share my approach with you on tackling these big kits. Let's say it's a really good warm-up for a few King models in the form of a giant vampire, and another emerging from his Tomb riding a dragon!
Till next week, I'll leave you with some of my infantry and a spread of 10 rhinos from the new Legions Imperialis. Of course, you're more than welcome to my ideas of legion patterns across your own Ordu of Jaghatai. Happy Painting!