
Tornus continues with further exploration of colour, contrast, and new lights to fill the space. Shown above is both my Procreate colour sketch and comparing it to what the yielded results from the immediate follow-up painting session. Noticing the contrasting fill in the shadows of the lower red skirt with hues of green and grey. The colour push of salmon orange/red that is tinted in the shadows of the purity seal parchment. And finally laying down a more definitive light reflections facing downward that are in harmony to the red skirt itself.

This really comes off from what has been a roller coaster of emotions that have been within me ever since the start of the year. My turbulent mind wrestling with the reflections of self, my own painting ability, and what I drew as expectations of others. All leading towards a darker path which was leaving me feeling very isolated and simply not happy with my work. And if there is anything ive always been an advocate of, it’s that your mindset is honestly the most powerful tool you have in your disposal. Having it positive and confident can lead to joy with endless creative possibilities. Where if it’s left in a poor state can leave you with a self destructive nature and a pain with anything associated with the art you love. Competition and those expectations both from what you perceive as the correct thing, and the idea that you think you need to do things a certain way that may feel alien to you can be a portrayal of who you are. I’ve had to and continue to open up to my closest friends, my love and partner in life Terra, and speak in honesty to myself and the Muse to come back to a positive place and simply say “Fuck Em.”

This move in my colours and exploration of contrast both in complementary, saturations, and light within shadow is my response to my negative feelings. To paint what I feel and to remove that doubt and the expectations that things must be done a certain way, in particular to what others say about Golden Daemon. A true reminder to what the spirit of this comp should be to me. To bring my true self into a piece and give everything I have to it. Regardless of what I think others and judges want to see. As in the words of Rick Rubin, “when creating art, the audience comes last.”

Alright that’s my words about mindset for now. The battle isn’t over, and even when the great ocean settles, we still have to sail it to avoid the storms. I’ll be including this process and more in the next video update on Tornus. But right now we have the second part of the wonderful Brom Bust coming up, which has been a milestone marker in what I can describe as a transformative phase in my painting. I’m learning to adapt new brush techniques, further my colour palette, and a tool in which I’ve set down is going to be making a return in my workflow, the airbrush. I’m excited to embrace this change, and hoping you will share in that energy along with me.

All the very best and Happy Painting ✌️



Wing of the Redeemed


NMM Love