The Redeemer cont.

I'm dedicated to painting Tornus for the first few days of the week. I want to shed some light on the first video tutorial, which will be released next week. As you all may be familiar with my approaches to NMM, I'll be giving you a look into what the refinement stages look like and some analysis of details that I'll be adding and making sure to include. As well, due to the nature of the project and the finish that is required; I'll be giving my thoughts on the process and how I'm pacing each element. This isn't quite as linear as you may be accustomed to my previous work (ie. finishing an element such as the cape, then moving onward etc). Going through the start of the red cape, it's colour choices/mixing as well as the scroll parchment. Also cast shadows which are present under the thigh armour grieves and parchment being laid over the red cloth, to help give more 3 dimensional look to the painting.

As for further progress, I've started to fill out the back ends of the armour plate along the left shoulder, and will hopefully get to the right shoulder and back by next week. From the last update, you got to see a concept paint-over with additional colour being tinted into the armour itself. I've decided to get the base blueprint of the armour finished first before proceeding into this concept and gives me time to mill these decisions. That next important step (if it happens) will of course be brought into its own separate video to share with you all, along with some other details such as the chains, and further gold work that will be present and honestly easier to see when it's on a slightly bigger surface!

Thanks, everyone and I hope you all have a fantastic week ahead and Happy Painting!



NMM Love

