A face of a hunter

This week had me very busy with a friend's commission painting a new set of characters and totems for his upcoming board game expansion on Kickstarter. I did manage to sneak in the face of the Hunter, the new Spyrer that was released in the latest set of Necromunda Hive Secundus. This will wrap up the parts that are coming up in next week's tutorial which will be of the armour and face painting of this miniature.

Also to highlight is a little Photoshop correction on the head to share what I do after painting sessions to review my work and discover what changes I need to make. Sometimes during a session, we miss little details and parts may not align as intended. Having a break or period where we take our eyes away from the work allows us to see it with new eyes and make corrections as needed. Sometimes these correction sessions leave little tolerance for mistakes, while others are more relaxed. Here as I'm not pushing this for a display competition, the most important aspect is the head, and a simple adjustment to his face mask to get a straighter highlight is all that's really needed which I'll sneak in the next painting session. Even without Photoshop, you can still take a picture of your work, and make little notes in a book or your phone so that you can correct it later on. A good habit to bring into your miniature painting that also practice viewing your work without "rose-tinted glasses" . Not falling in love with your first iteration.

Besides the small edit, I'm excited to be sharing this face painting with you all, as it's one of the smoothest ones both visually and through the process that I've done. Feeling much more comfortable with it and refining a method/recipe that I think is solid, especially for the Games Workshop human scale. I think my Patreon's will get some really good mileage out of this one that is transferable to many heads to come.



Mechanicum 殭屍!!!


It’s hunting season