It’s hunting season

I've had my first painting session with the brand-new Necromunda Spyrer that comes within the new expansion set in Hive Secundus, all provided generously by the Warhammer Community! I'm having a great day on the brush, keeping it loose with more sketching in highlights and less worried about super-refined blending or making the armour look too smooth. I'm having fun with all the excellent shapes and curves in this very detailed combat suit with a simple scheme involving two temperatures of grey (warm and cool - Red and Green). The red markings are a sort of nod to small warning labels and tabs you would in help of servicing the armour and more importantly a splash of colour to break up and give contouring emphasis in areas. I still have yet to decide what I should place there on the centre chest plate icon. But I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I'm also contemplating using some limited metallics for the gun barrels and hydraulic piston arms with some touches of weathering with oils. But again, there aren't any concrete plans set in place. More sounding like one of those projects I'll let the model unfold in front of me. Reacting to what I'm feeling in response to each outcome, and letting that kind of creativity unfold.

In the following weeks I'll have a video tutorial on this sketching method with a main focus on the brush strokes themselves and the execution of the light volumes in some very distinct curves present. If you guys have any ideas or comments on some of the undecided directions I mentioned above, I would love to hear them in the comments below!

Happy painting



A face of a hunter


First Lights