Alpha Legion Praetor
This miniature is the first completed character taking the leap back into the new Horus Heresy by games workshop with their first true plastic Praetor model from the starter set. Also marked as the first miniature I’ve painted on my return from my trip to Nottingham being a guest at the launch of the new Horus Heresy game to boot! Taking in all the advice, feedback, and excitement of being there and surrounded by my peers and painting aspirants. This painting is a combined result of my pursuit to better myself with the brush, and applying a lot of lessons learned. As a final token of gratitude to my friend Josh, who not only worked hard to extend an invitation to me, but also put me up for the remainder of my stay in London, and has been an outstanding friend & community leader in the hobby. This miniature was painted for him as a gift as my way of saying thanks!