Kragnos - End of Empires
When coming up with the concept of creating my version of Kragnos, I dove into inspiring works from Frank Frazetta and Patrick Jones. Taking the strong concept of average light, average shadow and meshing them with a strong light source to create drama and atmosphere. I really wanted to play with a sense of power and dread to anyone that witnesses him. This primordial force coming from a volcanic mountain in rage, ready to unleash his furry among the mortal realms. To really push the aggression of the model, I choose a very limited colour palette of reds and yellow, discarding everything else say for his tongue. Finally, to show off his raw physique, I would forgo the armour on his chest, and sculpt the muscles that were needed to fill his upper chest and shoulders. Giving the powerful vibes of HeMan or Conan the barbarian. He is a beast of pure strength, and a project that was amazing to create from start to finish.