Ordu of Jaghatai - Legion Jetbike
The 3rd and final iteration of the White Scars Legion set in the Horus Heresy. This one is a personal piece as well it marks the scheme in which the rest of the army will be painted. An interesting challenge in army painting that is to get a balance of detail, motion, and discovering techniques in which will make this project approachable to replicate over the course of the entire creation. Many times I had to put on the breaks and ask myself, if the extra hour of a single detail is worth it? As a single thing quickly multiplies over a range of 30+ models. What I’ve landed on is a strong use of traditional chinese colours, all strong and vibrant in Red, Green and Yellow. Perfect for how I’m currently exploring and using colour. It’s a balancing act to work with such a palette as to not have them fight each other, but rather find harmony. The strong and lucky character of red makes a bold statement with accents of yellow gold in the riders eye and decorative iconography. Where the Jade green plays as a median and foundation in the shadows in a form of atmosphere and coming forward in the riders blade. It ties in the white and red, as well as its strongest in the grass of the base. Always looking for angles to be striking, I created a steep tier where the rider is racing across in a downward angle, further emphasis on a striking pattern that also is mimics the sawtooth pattern present on the legion markings. I hope you enjoy the works as much as I had fun painting it.