Mauler Squig
If there is any model that I’ve painted in the last year that distinguishes my own personal growth as a miniature painter, this one takes the cake. This wonderful kit from GW really is one of the best forms in a sculpt I’ve seen from them and still holds a top 5 place on my list. An exciting sculpt full of energy, playfulness, movement, and ferocity. All while keeping things simple by essentially being 2 spheres attached by a chain. What better model to paint for me being a former Graphic Designer! Running with simple and continuing the lighting theme of blue flora at the base illuminating the model from below. It’s just like lighting a sphere in a sandwich of 2 lights, (highlight, shadow, highlight) Lets up the contrast and makes it a Hot/Cool combo, and for extra sauce, let’s bring it some neon orange/pink & blue. Keep the goblin green simple and softer to keep that feeling of children playing. Honestly, that’s what comes to mind, and is tied to the underlying theme I’ve created for this army. It’s the riot of fun I had playing in ball pits when I was a little kid, I absolutely loved going to jellybean park and McDonald play places when those were around. It really came together as best and beyond what I had initially imagined. The process was exciting from beginning to end. Having a ton of fun, making mistakes and enjoying learning from them and recovering without a dip in morale. It’s great when you get to mix a childhood memory and my love of simplicity in design. Because sometimes the simplest shapes presented in a clear form send the best message.