Ork Shaman + Grot Pot

When I first saw the contents of the new Age of Sigmar Dominion boxset and saw this Shaman model, I knew I had to paint this either for myself or better yet for an awesome client! The real feature would be the giant skull he’s wearing like a turtle shell. Essentially painting a large bust on a back of a GW miniature that gives an opportunity for some excellent lighting, and plenty of space to paint in my own details such as cracks and lots of ageing imperfections on the surface. It was pure creative joy throughout the whole process. All that was left was to create some other unique elements that would set this shaman apart from the rest of the tribe. Making him an Albino would be fun and I had this idea that an ork that wasn’t green but born pale would be met with superstitions and cast into the shamanistic roles of the tribe. Mixing up the magical effects with my favourite “Hot Sauce” paint - Magenta would round out the brightest of focal points of the potion he’s pouring out for a lost friend, and the round decanter attacked to his staff and on his back. The goblin of course is good n green, with beedy yellow eyes and mixing all that good magic stew of purple to construct a classic Triad of colour to keep the little a good support model.


Qin Xa


Yue Fei Noyan Khan of the Vth legion Ordu Jaghatai